How I got +90K Views Over An Article I Didn’t Write

How to steal like an artist

Charles Postiaux
2 min readJan 25, 2021
Photo by Mike Tinnion on Unsplash

This article I didn’t write was published by me in April 2018, and over the past almost 3 years, it got over 90,000 views.

And here’s the punchline: I didn’t write any of it.

What I did, however, was to add 79 quotes that changed my way of thinking and that positively contributed to improving who I was.

Back then, I was reading a lot as I started understanding that I could anything in life if I really wanted to and if I was good enough.

In addition to that, I was studying at a school I didn’t want to be in — which I left before publishing this article.

What’s great with Medium is that you can highlight and save the parts of articles you like and want to remember. And that’s how the article was born.

The more I was reading, the more I saved quotes from the great minds of this world.

In addition to those quotes, I decided to give more depth to the article by also adding some facts to this article.

So, as you can see, nothing was written from me. I just borrowed a lot of knowledge from different people and compiled it into one piece of content.

What’s the lesson here?

Creativity comes from everywhere, and the more you combine elements, the more you can come up with new creations.

So don’t be afraid to spend time researching and learning about other people’s work to create your own, because it will always come from somewhere.

But be sure to give credits when it’s due, and mix areas of inspiration in order to give more depth to what you create.



Charles Postiaux

Product Designer | Content Creator | +140M views Photographer | Writing about Personal Development, Entrepreneurship, and Design —