Show, Don’t Tell.

How to land more clients as a struggling designer.

Charles Postiaux
2 min readFeb 7, 2023
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

In the modern business world, competition is fierce, and standing out from the crowd is crucial for success. In order to attract new clients and retain current ones, it’s essential to showcase your skills and knowledge in a way that sets you apart from others. And what better way to do this than by demonstrating your expertise in action?

The importance of demonstration in client attraction cannot be overstated. Simply telling clients about your skills and services can only go so far. They want to see the results and the impact you can make on their business. By providing real-life examples and case studies, you can effectively demonstrate your knowledge and capabilities, leaving a lasting impression on potential clients.

Demonstrating your expertise not only helps you stand out from the competition, but it also shows your level of professionalism and confidence in your work. It showcases your ability to solve problems and deliver results, which is what clients are looking for in a service provider. It also builds trust and credibility with potential clients, which is key in the decision-making process.

In addition, demonstration is a great way to showcase your unique skills and approach to solving problems. By presenting real-life examples and case studies, you can show clients what sets you apart from others in the industry. This can help you differentiate yourself from your competitors and attract clients who are looking for a specific solution or approach.

To make the most of demonstration in client attraction, it’s important to put thought and effort into showcasing your expertise. This includes carefully selecting the right examples and case studies, highlighting the key outcomes and results, and presenting your work in a professional and organized manner.

In conclusion, the power of demonstration in attracting clients should not be underestimated. By showcasing your expertise through real-life examples and case studies, you can effectively set yourself apart from the competition, build trust and credibility with potential clients, and demonstrate the value and impact you can bring to their business. So, if you haven’t already, it’s time to start demonstrating your expertise and see the results for yourself!

Demonstration can be a crucial factor in attracting more clients, as it showcases your expertise, builds trust, and sets you apart from others. By carefully presenting real-life examples and case studies, you can effectively demonstrate the value and impact you can bring to a client’s business.



Charles Postiaux

Product Designer | Content Creator | +140M views Photographer | Writing about Personal Development, Entrepreneurship, and Design —